Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time for another My Dogs Are Barking 5K training tip! We hope you are all finding these tips helpful. We are certainly in it for the dogs J but how about some discussion on getting the human end of the leash trained? Are you a runner? Are you a new runner? Ever thought about running but just don’t know where to begin? Or, are you reading this blog because you love animals and love the Animal Rescue League of NH, but the thought of running our 5K seems unlikely? Well, do we have good news for you.  Assuming your doctor would give you the go ahead if you asked if you could start running; if you can walk, and you walk actively and regularly already, you can run! And, you can even run a race. There is no better 5K to get your feet wet with than My Dogs Are Barking. Why? Because dogs are the most non-judgmental beings ever. And there are dogs of all shapes, sizes and speeds. Just like humans. Perfect combination for your first time race. There is nothing more enjoyable than running with a whole lot of dogs! Best way to start a running program is to walk. It’s not the speed but rather the distance. If you haven’t run before and are just starting, try a walk/run around your block. Walk down one sidewalk, run down the next, etc. The next time try to add another block using the same routine. Before you know it you have covered more ground running than you may have ever done before. And it won’t seem so hard. Think of it this way, you have just covered more distance on your first two runs than the person who is still sitting on their couch. As you start to build up your distances, and keep it simple at first, remember that your pace in these early, training runs should allow you to carry a conversation with someone. In other words don’t run so fast that you are breathing so hard that you couldn’t talk to another person. Or, to your dog J.

1 comment:

  1. I got Oreo a DoggyRider. As soon as she starts to over-exert, in she goes, for a smooth ride the rest of the way. She's up to 5minutes walking, 8 minutes jogging, 2 minutes walking.
